Hosting a range of events like social and networking events, seminars and workshops.
Connecting young professionals and newcomers with seasoned professionals.
Newcomer Series
Share ideas, experiences and resources with alumni new to Canada.
Connecting Alumni
IACC Events
IACC organizes a host of events throughout the year including the flagship Annual Gala in the fall season. IACC also organizes seminars, workshops, picnics, social gatherings, panel discussions and business networking events on a regular basis.
This program helps connect newcomers and young professionals with experienced mentors who share their experience and knowledge in areas such as career planning, networking, personal branding, banking and finance, project management, sales and marketing.
Through a series of workshops, seminars and panel discussions, IACC helps newcomers to Canada get a kickstart in transition. The goal is to shorten the time period it takes for a newcomer to get settled in life and career in a new country.
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